
Presentation of the record of killed and missing in Glogovac/Gllogoc

Over 300 family members of killed and missing persons from the Glogovac/Gllogoc Municipality attended the presentation of data on victims for the January 1998 – June 1999 period held by the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC).


“We cannot bring back your loved ones but we can help you so that they may not be forgotten. Many people were killed or went missing in Glogovac/Gllogoc, and such cases are very painful for the people of Kosovo, as they show that Serbian forces did not spare children or elderly people”, said Nataša Kandić, executive director of HLC.

Following the introductory remarks given by the head of Administration of Glogovac/Gllogoc, Xheme Binaku, Ms. Kandić asked the family members of killed and missing persons to support the registration and verification of data on victims by providing any information they had, which would allow HLC to build its database.


Bekim Blakaj, the head of the HLC Kosovo office, presented data on the number of victims, in terms of age and sex, to the family members of victims. After the presentation, the family members checked data on their loved ones and handed photographs and photocopies of their ID cards to the HLC.

Please visit the following link to download the complete presentation of the register of killed and missing persons in Glogovac/Gllogoc (in Serbian).

Click the picture below to see the video from the presentation:
